Grants and Funding for School Visits
Do you need financial assistance to get an author or illustrator to visit your school?
Please look at these handy links to find grants and funding available to you.
Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy
City National Bank - Reading is the Way Up, Literacy Grants Program (CA, NV, NY)
Community Foundation of Southern Arizona
Dollar General - Youth Literacy Grants for schools & libraries
Donors Choose
Educational Enrichment Foundation
Fund for Teachers--Oklahoma
Grants - Verizon Foundation
Grant Wrangler
Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
How to Write a Grant
Leap Frog - grant info. and grant resources
National Book Scholarship Fund
Oklahoma Arts Council - Visit the home page, under the Community section is a link about $1000 grants for teachers. The deadline May 31st for each school year.
Read, Write, Connect - Austin, TX
School Grants - this site has it all!
U.S. Department of Education - Grants to enhance & support school libraries
Wells Fargo Bank