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TV character--Sweet, loveable, underdog, "Barney Fife", played by Don Knotts in The Andy Griffith Show. This guy can make me laugh and cry and feel good all over. My favorite show was when Barney was wanting to be in the town band. He couldn't play any instrument, so Andy decided to let Barney play the cymbals. Barney kept clanging the cymbals at all the wrong times and going up behind people scaring the daylights out of them without even realizing it. I still giggle when I think of it. I love all the movies that Don Knotts made, too. He always played such vulnerable characters. When I laugh at him, I'm really laughing at myself and all my vulnerabilities.
Color--Lavender, yellow, pink, teal (I am a color nut and love to dress colorful and have colorful things around me. My best friend, Karen Hampton, said the first time she saw me, I had on turquoise shoes, and she still teases me about that!)
Flowers--Daisies, morning glories, and honeysuckle.
Quote--An OU teacher once gave me a "C" and wrote on top of my term paper, "Anything worth getting is worth busting your butt over." At first, I was angry. I thought, "How rude!" But through the years I have so often thought of that term paper and his message and have come to realize he was absolutely right. Everything worth getting takes a lot of hard work to achieve. I remind myself of this when I have to edit and edit and edit my books before they go to print.
Season--Fall, with its crisp cool air, the smell of fallen leaves, all the colorful trees, hay rides, bon fires, toasting marshmallows, and roadside stands with pumpkins and scarecrows. Mmm. Yum.
Holiday--Fourth of July. I love watching the parades and fireworks and eating watermelon and homemade ice cream. I always dress up in red, white and blue and usually shed a tear or two during the fireworks program. Have you ever watched fireworks with 3-D glasses on? It's really super neat. Try it.
Moments--Ahh, when my precious children were born and I held them for the first time; when I sold my first story and first book; when I nervously taught my first college writing class and the director told me that I was a "breath of fresh air"; when I volunteered twice a week at the reading lab in my son's school and a student said, "I used to not like to read but because of you, now I do"; when my kids have that little proud look on their faces when they've accomplished something; the look in my son's eyes when he talks about fishing; and when my fifth grade teacher put her arm around my shoulders and said, "If you work hard at this, I think you can write a real book when you grow up."